About me



  • Comparative analysis and market research

  • Personas and journey maps 

  • Task analysis & workflows


  • Heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthroughs

  • User testing, A/B testing, and think aloud

  • Interviews and focus groups

  • Observation research

  • Survey development 

  • Design thinking

  • Data analysis (quant & qual)

Prototyping & Mapping

  • Affinity maps and mood boards

  • Findings documentation

  • Sitemaps, card sorts, and info architecture 

  • Wireframes

  • Sample prototypes

  • Content writing, article writing, blog writing

  • Creative writing

Wireframe of a potential website that offers a social media influencer and program for minority computing students

Overview of projects I worked on

  • Researching healthcare claims data APIs

  • Developing a user research playbook

  • Creating a food service app

  • Developing mentoring support tools for minority computing undergrads

  • Improving an academic resource listserv

  • Design thinking for a history education app

  • Identity research on Black computing students and professionals

  • Investigating hip-hop culture within academia

  • Grant and contract proposal writing

  • Course evaluation

Me outside of work

  • Black and LGBTQIA+ social equity

  • UX and service design in the workplace

  • Horror, dark fantasy, true crimes, comedy,

  • Theme parks, roller coasters, and traveling

  • Hip hop, r&b, and pop music and culture

  • Sociology, psychology, behaviorism, 

  • Social media, modeling photography

Who I’ve worked with

Think I would help you make your product more awesome?

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  • Baltimore, MD robertc0228@gmail.com 

  • 513.460.8499 robcummingsuxr.com/


  • UX in the workplace

  • Behaviorism & psychology

  • Black and lgbtqia+ equity

  • Social media & modeling

  • Film & TV (Horror, comedy, dark fantasy)

  • Theme parks and traveling

  • Pop music and culture


  • George Mason University

    • Human Factors, MA | 2021 

  • Morehouse College

    • Psychology, BS | 2017


  • Qual & quant research 

  • Focus group & Interview 

  • Surveys 

  • User testing

  • Observation research 

  • Card sorting, IA 

  • Service design

  • Leadership & teamwork 

  • Project management 


  • Figma, Sketch

  • Adobe Creative Suite

  • MS Office

  • Noldus the Observer, Nvivo 

  • SPSS, R

  • Squarespace, Wordpress

Here’s my resume for the non-downloaders

Robert Cummings - UX Researcher & Service Designer


Fearless Tech - User Researcher II

Jan 2022 – Present  REMOTE/Baltimore, MD

  • Developed annual UX & satisfaction survey of a claims data API for 218 Medicare model entities and IT vendors who serve 5.8m Medicare enrollees

  • Led research and user testing of the re-architecture of a user credential management web portal to improve authenticating customers 

  • Created repository system for managing team research effort improving research discoverability

  • Updated and redesigned personas and terminology page

IROBB Research - UX Freelance Consultant 

Jan 2019 – Present            REMOTE 

  • Making entertainment, media, and service sites and platforms friction-free with empirical findings and impactful design

  • Conducting design thinking, self-experiments, systematic reviews & synthesis, prototyping, user testing, etc.

Morehouse College - Academic UX Researcher

December 2017 – August 2020         Atlanta, GA

  • Led research projects on narrowing the racial gap in computer science including a mentoring app and robotics outreach for three camps of secondary school students

  • 15 publications, 9 conferences, helped earn $9M grant

  • Trained and cowrote for 40+ grad and undergrad students leading to 5 successful dissertations and many career beginnings

Other Experience 

Starting Jun 2016 – Present 

  • Independent Research - UX/UI - 3Y

  • Universal Studios Hollywood - HR Analyst - < 1Y (i)

  • Georgia Tech - HF Researcher - < 1Y (i)

  • General Electric Power - Project Manager - < 1Y (i)

(i) = internship

My articles

  1. Cummings, R. T. Huff, E. Mack, N. A., Womack, K., Reid, A., Ghoram, B., Gilbert, J. E., & Gosha, K. (2020). An exploration of Black students interacting with computing college and career readiness vlog commentary social media influencers. IEEE Journal of Computing in Science and Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2020.3005635

  2. Mack, N. A., Mackroy, K., Cook, C., Cummings, R. T., Pittman, T., & Gosha, K. (2020). Evaluating a cybersecurity training program for non-computing major undergraduate ROTC students. Proceedings of RESPECT’20: the 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology conference, Portland, OR.

  3. Simley, T., Mack, N. A., Pittman, T., Cook, C., Cummings, R. T., Moon, D., & Gosha, K. (2020). Assessing the efficacy of integrating computer science, math, and science in a middle school sphero robotics summer program. Poster session proceedings of RESPECT’20: the 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology conference, Portland, OR. (Accepted)

  4. Cummings, R. T., Lowens, B. M., Nelson, W., & Gosha, K. (2019). Computing resilient identity development and maintenance of Black Americans who earned a Ph.D. in computing. Proceedings of FIE’19: Frontiers in Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

  5. Nelson, W., Cummings, R. T., &amp; Gosha, K. (2019). A Qualitative Investigation on the Effectiveness of a Computing Identity Development Emailing List for African American Computer Scientists. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). doi:10.1109/fie43999.2019.9028570

  6. Mack, N.A., Cummings, R.T., & Moon, D., & Gilbert, J.E. (2019). Co-Designing an Intelligent Conversational History Tutor with Children. Proceedings of IDC '19: 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. Boise, ID: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3311927.3325336.

  7. Cummings, R. T. (2019). Black struggle film production: Meta-synthesis of Black struggle film production and critique since the millennium. The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Media, Communication & Film, 6 (1), 65-84.

  8. Huff, E. W., Nias, J., Cummings, R. T., Mack, N. A., & Gosha, K. (2019). Atlanta Code Warriors: A CS engagement pilot initiative. Proceedings of HCII’19: the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, FL: Springer. (poster).

  9. Mack, N. A., Huff, E. W., Cummings, R. T., & Gosha, K. (2019). Exploring the needs and preferences of underrepresented minority students for an intelligent virtual mentoring system. . Proceedings of HCII’19: the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, FL: Springer. (poster).

  10. Huff, E. W., Mack, N. A., Cummings, R. T., Womack, K., Gosha, K., & Gilbert, J. E. (2019). Evaluating the usability of pervasive conversational user interfaces for virtual mentoring. . Proceedings of HCII’19: the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, FL: Springer.

  11. Hampton, L., Cummings, R. T., & Gosha, K. (2019). Improving computer science instruction and computer use for African American secondary school students: A focus group exploration of computer science identities of African American teachers. Proceedings of ACM SIGMIS’19: ACM Special Interest Group Management and Information Systems Conference. Nashville, TN: ACM.

  12. Cummings, R. T., Chambers, B., Reid, A., & Gosha, K. (2019). STEM hip-hop pedagogy: A meta-synthesis on hip-hop pedagogy STEM interventions tools for underrepresented minorities in K-12 education. Proceedings of ACM SE’19: ACM Southeast Conference. Kennesaw, GA: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3299815.3314431

  13. Cummings, R. T. Huff, E. Mack, N. A., Womack, K., Reid, A., Ghoram, B., Gilbert, J. E., & Gosha, K. (2019). Vlog commentary YouTube influencers as effective advisors in college and career readiness for minorities in computing: An exploratory study corpus for a conversational agent designed to prepare interested Black undergraduates for the professoriate in STEM. Proceedings of RESPECT’19: the 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology conference, Minneapolis, MN: Curran Associates, Inc.

  14. Cummings, R. T. Dennis, S., Mack, N. A., Nias, J., & Gosha, K. (2019). Developing a question corpus for a conversational agent designed to prepare interested Black undergraduates for the professoriate in STEM. Proceedings of RESPECT’19: the 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology conference, Minneapolis, MN: Curran Associates, Inc.

  15. Mack, N., Womack, K., Huff, E., Cummings, R. T., Dowling, N., & Gosha, K. (2019). From midshipmen to cyber pros: Training minority Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp students for cybersecurity. Proceedings of the SIGCSE’19: Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education 2019 Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Sheridan Communications.